Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Blog

Welcome to 2015!

It's been more than 5 years since I last wrote anything in a blog, but here I am, at 9:30 in the evening, typing away on my phablet while my little five-month-old is sleeping soundly beside me.

A short introduction is necessary. I'm a newly-turned 30 year old, practicing lawyer, wife to a former law school blockmate, and mom to a beautiful bouncing baby boy whom I fondly called Likulit before he was born.

So what prompted me to start writing again after a five-year hiatus? While I was procrastinating work a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across my old blog and started browsing through the hundreds of entries I made over almost 5 years. I came to many realizations in doing so. 

First, writing helps document the most mundane, everyday, ordinary experiences that I have and reading them again makes me feel as if I were reliving them once more. 

Second, blogging daily develops my writing skills. I get to organize my thoughts and express myself more clearly through writing. I become much more careful with how I speak and I write since I hate reading something I made and seeing grammar mistakes. 

Finally and most importantly, I get to clear my mind of clutter when I get to express random thoughts through writing, without the need to bother anyone else about it. This gives my mind more space to process more important thoughts. This, of course, doesn't mean that what I'll be writing about is junk. They'll just most likely be about my thoughts and experiences which may not be of immediate practical use for me at present, but may prove to be useful in the future.

So here it goes. The first day of 2015, the first post in this blog. Let's enjoy the ride!
